Searching profiles
Below you'll find some of the commonly asked questions about the icudatingcams search system and our attempt to answer them. If you have any problems not answered below, please email [email protected]
- How do I search icudatingcams members?
You can either use the quick search displayed at the right hand side of the screen or select search from the left hand menu. This latter search is much more powerful and will allow you to specify age / location / interests / usernames and keywords. If you would like to see additional facilities added to the search engine please contact [email protected].
- Saved Searches
If you have a particular set of criteria you look for you can save this for easy reference each time you login. Create a Saved Search and name it e.g. 'browneyes'. Great tool for easy searching. Create as many saved searches as you like. Each time you login new members who match the saved search criteria will be displayed.
- How do I read the search results?
Search results are listed of most recently updated - so the people at the top of the list are the people on the site right now. In the list you'll find a users' name / headline / age and location and their picture if available. To view a user either click on their username or their picture.
- What are profiles from other sites?
We have a network of sites - you can select whether to view only profile on the site you have joined, or profiles on our other sites as well. To alter this setting go into your contact details.
- Why do I not turn up in the search results?
We only display your profile in the search results if you have completed both the 'appearance' and 'character' section and have confirmed your email address.
- How can I improve my search results?
The more information you can give us about yourself the easier it is for us to match you with other members of icudatingcams. That's why we have invented the 'matchmeter' ... The matchmeter allows you to rate how well a profile matches what you are looking for. If it's close to perfect, click the bright red boxes toward the top of the matchmeter, if it's really not your cup of tea, select the lighter boxes towards the bottom of the matchmeter. Once you have rated 10 or more profiles, our system will be able to explore the database and come up with other profiles you might be interested in viewing.
- How can I save a profile I've viewed?
To save profiles you like click on the icon to add them to your friends list. Your friends list can be accessed by clicking on My Stats and then Friends.