Your privacy
What we're doing to protect you...
At icudatingcams we consider the privacy of our users of utmost importance. We ask only for the minimum personal information required for you to build a credible site profile.
We don't ask for real names, addresses or phone numbers - only an email address so we can alert you to contacts from other icudatingcams members.
We will never pass on your email address to another icudatingcams member.
What you should be doing...
When using the site we do ask you to take proper care of your personal information to ensure you protect yourself. Whilst the following guidelines refer directly to icudatingcams, it wouldn't hurt to keep these guidelines in mind when using any website.
- Contacting members
Until you really know a user, stay clear of offering (or asking) for an email address, phone number or giving out personal information (your real name / place of work). Click here for guidance on contacting through the site.
- Are people what the seem?
The Internet can be a great way of meeting people, it can also be, for those who are so inclined, a means of hiding their real identity. So exercise caution in your contacts, trust your instincts - and don't reveal your contact details until and unless you are entirely comfortable in doing so.
- Report any misuse of the site
We take safety and security very seriously. Please report anything you think might be an inappropriate use of the site to us. You can contact us in confidence.
- Contributing to the forum
If you have a question you want people to get back to you on, it is best to give your username rather than email. This way people will respond to you using the icudatingcams system and your email address remains confidential.
- Heading out on a date?
If you are thinking about meeting up with someone, please read though our Dating Tips to ensure you get the most enjoyment whilst still keeping safety a priority.
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